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law of nations law of nations = internation...

law of parsimony

In order to disentangle its difficulties , and come the way of robust development , it is reckoned that the strict regulation of the international interference should be on process in the framework of law of nations . that is , through 而要使國際干預擺脫困境、走上健康的發展軌道,筆者認為,應在國際法的框架內對其進行嚴格規制,即通過有關國際干預領域國際法的編纂,使各主權國家所轉移的干預權真正體現國際社會的意志,代表國際社會的利益,而不是集中于少數大國之手。

The law of nations is naturally founded on this principle , that different nations ought in time of peace to do one another all the good they can , and in time of war as little injury as possible , without prejudicing their real interests 國際公法十分自然地建立在這樣一個原則基礎之上,這就是:在和平時期,各國應該盡其所能謀求彼此間的利益的最大限度的提高;在戰爭狀態下,盡可能地減少損失,不至于毀滅各自真正的切身利益。

From old ages dianyu island and its attaching islets belong to china , china ' s sovereignty and territorial integrity for dianyu island must not be infringed either on history or laws of nations 釣魚島及其附屬的島嶼自古就是中國固有領土,無論在歷史上還是國際法上,中國對釣魚島都擁有無可爭辯的主權。

The differences between them are systematically compared from law of nations , interest , behavior and agility 第一節將從國際法、利益、行為、靈活性四個方面系統地比較跨國公司與國家行為體的區別。

We have always lacked of scientific attitude and clear realization on the labor law of nations of socialism 過去,我們一直對于社會主義國家的勞動就業規律缺乏科學的態度和清醒的認識。

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas , and offences against the law of nations 界定和懲罰在公海上所犯的海盜罪和重罪以及違反國際法的犯罪行為

Its execution involved an outrage upon the law of nations . 它的實施是對國際法的嚴重違反。